Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fat & Fabulous= FATABULOUS!!!!!!!

Today I just feel ummmm... what's the word I'm looking for? FABULOUS!!! Sure, we could argue that I should feel like this everyday but hey I don't. Today I'm on top of the world and I couldn't feel any better. I got back on track from the last time we talked lol (insert side wink). It always changes my mood when I'm taking care of myself. Ladies, NEVER let anyone try to make you feel like you aren't the queen that you are! I know life can get hectic, trust me I'm the captain of team busy/hectic. If I went through a normal day's schedule you wouldn't believe it and I still take time to show you all some love! Yeah I'm tooting my own horn...Beep Beep! We have to sometimes and there is nothing wrong with realizing exactly how fabulous you are at ANY size.

You have to keep positive people around you and surround yourself with people who encourage and support you. That's one of the first keys to being fabulous. Don't have people around you who are constantly dragging your spirit down and have nothing positive to speak in your life. There are times where you have no other choice but to surround yourself with people who are like this and when it happens go in your zone and tune the negativity out. Being fabulous is not all about looks it's about a feeling. I've never waited for anyone to tell me that I was this or that. I simply know what I am for myself. I have a very positive self-esteem as you can see. Everyday I'm working on my fabulousness and yes I know that's not a real word lol! I think everyone is special and deserves to feel that they have purpose.

We have to strive for more and want more for our OWN lives, no one else can want it for you. I don't mind saying that I'm fat and being very boisterous with it. I have as of lately paid close attention to the facial reactions of people when they here me say I'm fat or something along those lines. I know exactly what I am the good and the bad. I just realize that when I do get to the size I want to be that I will still be in this same body just not as wide and heavy; but ultimately it's still me with the same skin. Why not completely love who I am now and after the transformation?

I believe you can be confident without being cocky or conceited. I don't think I'm any better than anyone else I just appreciate myself which sets the bar for others who are in my life. When you allow anyone to enter your life you have to know who you are and what you expect from them. We are all architects of our own character, I say build you exactly the way you see fit and just like any other structure, people who are really interesting in getting in will find a doorway or a window.

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon-Paul Brandt~~

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