Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's no secret that both of my parents are diabetics. My mother has had major problems with her eyesight as a result of this. On April 6th(Good Friday), she had an appointment with her eye doctor. The doctor's office is an hour away in Little Rock. The day started out great it was beautiful outside. To put the icing on the cake my mom got a great report that her eyes had shown improvement and were actually healing themselves. Wow!! No surgery!! This was such a blessing.

As we do all the time on these trips back home we were talking and laughing thanking God for His blessings. To paint the picture of what happened next I have to give you all of the information. Those of you from Arkansas know the drive from Little Rock to Arkadelphia on I-30. It's a two lane interstate. Well, I'm driving on the right side and on the left side a white truck is passing us. Now this truck is right by my drivers side door. Out of no where I feel a little bump of wind and it's a black car that had to be going at least a 100 mph pass in between us and the white truck. Logically there was no way to explain that car having enough room to fit through that tiny space.

Clearly, I'm stunned and so is my mother. That car could have easily hit us and had us in a ditch. My mother says call 911 but the car was no where to be found. So we continue to drive and about four miles up there the car was in a ditch flipped upside down. Debris was everywhere and traffic was at a stand still. I'm not sure if this individual was drunk or high. We never found out. I do know that I had just prayed for safety and protection over myself, family, and friends. I felt it so strong I even wrote it on my Facebook page while I was waiting on my mom.

People are always debating if God is still working miracles. I and my mother are living proof that yes HE is!! Like I said earlier logically the policeman that interviewed us said he just couldn't understand how first the car got through that narrow opening and second didn't hit us. I've never been that close to death but on that day something so spectacular happened that only God, my mother and I will ever fully understand. It was so powerful the protection that God had shielded us with. I cried the whole way home. Then got home and cried some more.

Everyday we make choices. Everyday we have to live with those choices. Danger is always all around us. Follow your gut feeling whatever it may be. This event definitely made me stop and think about the danger I put myself in everyday. Of course you know for me that danger is being overweight. As I reflect I see that my life has a strong purpose and so does yours. Not All-State, StateFarm, or GEICO can provide the coverage and safety that God has for all HIS children!!!