Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Eating my stress!!!!!

Okay so yesterday I wasn't able to talk you all because my daughter is sick with pneumonia (insert sad face). She's doing a little better now. With that added stress and worry I think we all know what I turned to, yep that tasty demon; FOOD! I mean really Charmaine, here we go again. It wasn't horrible but I did eat some greasy fast food that I didn't need. I'm an emotional eater. With this blog I try to show how much of a struggle it is to conquer food addiction and weight loss.

Moving right along, I have to say that you are going to fall and hit bumps in the road because no one is perfect. You just have to want your dream or vision more than temporary desires. I want to inspire the world and change lives but I know I have to do that for myself first. There isn't always going to be a blueprint so sometimes we have to create our own structure and start from there.

I ate my stress yesterday and at the time it tasted soooo good. It wasn't until after I got done that I realized what I'm doing to body and health. Same story over and over and over again.

Anyway, I'm tired of even talking about it now. Let's change the tone somewhat. I'm a very independent person and I'm usually the last one who will ask anyone for anything and I've just learned over the past few months that life will put you in positions where you need to depend on others. It's very humbling but I have learned what my mother has told me for years and that is; you can't live in this world alone. So true, that's a wise woman. I just have so much love and concern for the people that have been there for me through the good and the bad. Life is no bed of roses but when you have great people around you lifting you up constantly it does make a huge difference.

I have the support and encouragement to conquer all obstacles in my life. The question is now will I actually use it.


Leigh Ann said...

Hi Charmaine! I found your blog link from Brandi's website. I was reading your post & thinking of a quote I heard from Dr. Oz. (I usually avoid Dr. Oz but actually watched most of this particular segment). He compared weight loss to a GPS. If you miss your turn or go off course, the GPS shows no judgment. It recalculates right away --- and puts you right on a new course to your desired destination. If you make an unhealthy eating choice, he said just pick up and start on new course right then. I really like this way of thinking; trying it out myself.

Cre8tivelistener said...

Thank you Leigh Ann. This is sound advice and something that I can use to stay on track. This is a very good analogy that very practical and it makes sense. Thanks for the support!!!!